References in classic literature ?
I do not wish to discuss Heliogabalus, Macrinus, or Julian, who, being thoroughly contemptible, were quickly wiped out; but I will bring this discourse to a conclusion by saying that princes in our times have this difficulty of giving inordinate satisfaction to their soldiers in a far less degree, because, notwithstanding one has to give them some indulgence, that is soon done; none of these princes have armies that are veterans in the governance and administration of provinces, as were the armies of the Roman Empire; and whereas it was then more necessary to give satisfaction to the soldiers than to the people, it is now more necessary to all princes, except the Turk and the Soldan, to satisfy the people rather the soldiers, because the people are the more powerful.
The kingdom of the Soldan is similar; being entirely in the hands of soldiers, it follows again that, without regard to the people, he must keep them his friends.
it edged the blade Which fifty wives to widows made, When, vain his strength and Mahound's spell, Iconium's turban'd Soldan fell.
"There is still the city of Constantine to be taken, and war to be waged against the Soldan of Damascus.
Soldan's short story collection "In Just the Right Light." The collection, made up of thirteen stories, tackle the past and future alongside grief and longing.
<p class="textbox" dir="ltr">With eight Mid-Michigan locations, Soldan's Pet Supplies is a small, family-owned chain of pet stores that offers in-store wash bays to their customers.
and 2329 Hendon Ave.; several houses, and about 6.3 acres of forested land known as Breck Woods.<br />The seminary, which has about 525 students, soldan apartment buildingto Greenway Village Apartments in 2014,1.6 acresto senior developer Ecumen in 2015, and4.5 acresfor a new HealthPartners clinic in 2016.<br />Some of those sales were necessary to address financial challenges for the school, said Michael Morrow, vice president of finance and administration for Luther.
Virginia attorney Thomas Soldan advises: "In the same way that states recognize the growing substance abuse crisis, states should recognize the evolving nature of sexual addiction.
Apos a lipidose hepatica que e bastante comum, as colangites e colangiohepatites sao classificadas como a segunda causa de doenca hepatica mais comum nos gatos (SOLDAN; MARQUES, 2011).