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(Anatomy) the middle finger
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References in periodicals archive ?
"Even when I'm not in pain, I gently work my hamstrings and gluteus medius," she says.
The large fragment of the femoral head was found within the gluteus medius, and another femoral head fragment was found within the hip joint, with some soft tissue attachment.
The five muscles are Adductor Magnus, Gluteus Maximus, Gluteus Medius, Rectus Femoris and Iliacus.
17 -- Konoike Transport and Medius Holdings with their head offfices in Tokyo have come together in a 70-30 joint venture to launch their Indian arm Carna Medical Database.
Treatment, beyond correction of any biomechanical causes, involves the usual general measures employed in overuse injuries: rest, with possible partial weight bearing; ice; full-anti-inflammatory-dose NSAIDs for at least several weeks; and physical therapy directed at stretching the gluteus medius and a possibly tight iliotibial band.
On a broader basis, over the period from January to September 2012 the aggregate value of biopharmaceutical deals reported in the Deal Watch articles published by Medius was nearly $77bn.
Bullock-Saxton, Janda, and Bullock (1994) found that subjects with LBP experienced a delay in gluteus maximus firing while prone and gluteus medius firing while sidelying.