References in periodicals archive ?
After 10 years, countless rows and more than their fair share of tragedies, soap's Kat and Alfie show could be coming to an end.
Detectives believe the area has been swamped with stolen Kit Kats.
Kit Kat Kubes are the latest form of the treat to be brought out by makers Nestle and will hit the shops later this year.
HERE is your chance to see a great new movie at a special preview screening plus a year's supply of Kit Kat.
Kats is a partner and director of Temp, Ltd., a beer distributor in the omsk region of Siberia.
Kit Kat, the four-fingered chocolate bar launched in 1937, has been transformed into a single-finger version to make it easier to eat on the move.
Now Kit Kat is set to please chocolate lovers by coming into the shops as a five-fingered treat.
And Nestle Rowntree hope the Kit Kat Mint will keep them one step ahead of rivals.
just-food: Could you give a little background or history of the various Kit Kat flavours that have been produced in Japan?