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Related to grazer: grazing

graze 1

v. grazed, graz·ing, graz·es
1. To feed on growing grasses and herbage.
2. Informal
a. To eat a variety of appetizers as a full meal.
b. To eat snacks throughout the day in place of full meals.
1. To feed on (herbage) in a field or on pastureland.
2. To feed on the herbage of (a piece of land).
3. To afford herbage for the feeding of: This field will graze 30 head of cattle.
4. To put (livestock) out to feed.
5. To tend (feeding livestock) in a pasture.

[Middle English grasen, from Old English grasian, from græs, grass; see ghrē- in Indo-European roots.]

graze′a·ble, graz′a·ble adj.
graz′er n.

graze 2

v. grazed, graz·ing, graz·es
1. To touch lightly in passing; brush. See Synonyms at brush1.
2. To scrape or scratch slightly; abrade.
To scrape or touch something lightly in passing.
1. The act of brushing or scraping along a surface.
2. A minor scratch or abrasion.

[Perhaps from graze.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˈgreɪ zər)
1. an animal that grazes.
2. Informal. a person who engages in grazing.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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References in periodicals archive ?
To help damaged plants recover, Grazer G1 is a pet-friendly growth stimulant, from
JONATHAN Woodgate's first friendly fixture as new Boro head coach ended in a 2-0 defeat to Grazer AK.
JHANG -- An influential landlord and his accomplices strangled to death a poor cattle grazer and brutally tortured his daughter here on Saturday.
In a one-minute video from entertainment website Collider, teen 'Shazam!' costars Jack Dylan Grazer and Asher Angel were asked to name a total of five favorite movies.
After his latest brush with the law, Billy is relocated to the loving home of Victor and Rosa Vasquez (Cooper Andrews, Marta Milans), who already have five children under their roof: Freddy (Jack Dylan Grazer), Mary (Grace Fulton), Pedro (Jovan Armand), Eugene (Ian Chen) and Darla (Faithe Herman).
led by Rosa (Marta Milans) and Victor Vasquez (Cooper Andrews) that's full of quirky characters: Freddy (Jack Dylan Grazer), a disabled superhero obsessive with a biting wit; Eugene (Ian Chen), a violent video game obsessive; Darla (Faithe Herman), the adorable youngest; Mary (Grace Fulton) and Pedro (Jovan Armand).
Jovan Armand Eugene Choi, Grazer as Darla Dudley Billy Batson (Asher Angel) is placed into care as a young boy after he becomes separated from his mother in crowds at a state fair.
After his latest brush with the law, Billy is relocated to the loving home of Victor and Rosa Vasquez (Cooper Andrews and Marta Milans), who already have five children under their roof: Freddy (Jack Dylan Grazer), Mary (Grace Fulton), Pedro (Jovan Armand), Eugene (Ian Chen) and Darla (Faithe Herman).
A Curious Mind: The Secret To A Bigger Life by Brian Grazer You might not be familiar with Brian Grazer but I'm pretty certain you'll be familiar with his work.
Musk suggested Ron Howard and Brian Grazer become involved in making this a major production.
Hollywood honcho Brian Grazer, producer of TV and film megahits, including A Beautiful Mind, Apollo 13, Arrested Development and 24, to name a few, attributes his outsized success to his eternal and unbridled inquisitiveness.