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or Dra·ve  (drä′və) also Drau (drou)
A river rising in the Carnic Alps of southern Austria and flowing about 725 km (450 mi) eastward through Slovenia and northern Croatia to the Danube River.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


 a haul or shoal of fish.
Example: drave of herring, 1854.
Dictionary of Collective Nouns and Group Terms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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'tis wrong for a man of such a high family as his to slave and drave at common labouring work, we don't know what to do."
Seven captains at our seven gates Thundered; for each a champion waits, Each left behind his armor bright, Trophy for Zeus who turns the fight; Save two alone, that ill-starred pair One mother to one father bare, Who lance in rest, one 'gainst the other Drave, and both perished, brother slain by brother.
If in the days of old when we nigh had perished, ye drave From our land the fiery plague, be near us now and defend us!
And the firm, which has its head office in Brighton, has appointed its business development manager, Nathan Drave, to head up the new Cardiff office.
even the son of Dryas, mighty Lycurgus, lived not long, seeing that he strove with heavenly gods--he that on a time drave down over the sacred mount of Nysa the nursing mothers of mad Dionysus; and they all let fall to the ground their wands, smitten with an ox-goad by man-slaying Lycurgus (Il.
Face a une Croatie debordee qui a annonce l'acheminement vers la Hongrie des migrants se trouvant sur son territoire, Budapest a lance immediatement la pose des premiers barbeles a sa frontiere avec la Croatie.Elle sera installee sur 41 kilometres de terre ferme, a indique le Premier ministre Viktor Orban, le reste des 330 km de la frontiere entre les deux pays etant delimitee par la riviere Drave. La Slovenie, membre de l'Union europeenne et de l'espace Schengen, qui ne compte que deux millions d'habitants, se preparait aussi a recevoir le flux des migrants detournes par les barricades erigees chez ses voisins.
And at the midmost charging, Prince Geraint Drave the long spear a cubit thro' his breast And out beyond; and then against his brace Of comrades, each of whom had broken on him A lance that splinter'd like an icicle, Swung from his brand a windy buffet out Once, twice, to right, to left, and stunn'd the twain Or slew them, and dismounting like a man That skins the wild beast after slaying him, Stript from the three dead wolves of woman born The three gay suits of armour which they wore, And let the bodies lie, but bound the suits Of armour on their horses, each on each, And tied the bridle-reins of all the three Together, and said to her, 'Drive them on Before you;' and she drove them thro' the waste.
the old man took then from his turban a scarf of figured silk and bound with it the eyes of the Star-Child and drave him in front of him.
Berth occupancy was 55% at the Port on Wednesday where total number of six ships namely Alabdali, Maersk Kolkata, MSC Nedlloyd Drave, Yasa Team, Siva Mumbai and MV.
Then leapt Ecthelion lord of the Fountain, fairest of the [Elves], full at Gothmog even as he raised his whip, and his helm that had a spike upon it he drave into that evil breast, and he twined his legs about his foeman's thighs; and the Balrog yelled and fell forward; but those two dropped into the basin of the king's fountain which was very deep.