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Adj.1.cuspidal - having cusps or points
angulate, angular - having angles or an angular shape
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a. cuspídeo, puntiagudo.
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References in periodicals archive ?
Moreover, if the ends of f are embedded, f has at least four singular points other than cuspidal edges.
Ademas del hecho de poseer multiples fogones, E3 se caracterizo por contar con restos de vegetales de cultivo en el sector cuspidal (6), asociados a dos fechados procedentes de la misma cuadricula (3a.B), uno obtenido sobre restos de maiz hallados a 1,47 m de profundidad y el otro sobre un fragmento de madera hallado a 1,53 m (Tabla 1).
In this experiment, due to the rather poor regularity, it is very difficult to exactly reconstruct the cuspidal property of the unknown coefficients.
This reflects a striking dichotomy in our proofs: for q > 2 the only contributions to the computation come from irreducible characters of [GL.sub.n]([F.sub.q]) arising as constituents of parabolic inductions of characters of [GL.sub.1]([F.sub.q]), while for q = 2 the cuspidal characters for [GL.sub.s]([F.sub.q]) with s [greater than or equal to] 2 play a role, miraculously giving the same polynomial [t.sub.q] (n, l) in q evaluated at q = 2.
Usually a solitary wave solution, a kink (antikink) wave and periodic travelling wave solutions of (1) correspond to a homoclinic orbits or cuspidal loop, heteroclinic orbit or eye-figure loop, and periodic orbit of (7), respectively.
([A.sub.2]) f([u.sub.1], [u.sub.2], [u.sub.3]) = (3[u.sup.2.sub.1], 2[u.sup.3.sub.1], [u.sub.2], [u.sub.3])(cuspidal edge) (Figure 1),
Topics of the 17 papers include an elliptical Radon transform for ultrasound, using Schiffer's conjecture to understand partial cloaking, cuspidal discrete series for projective hyperbolic spaces, and the magnetic Schrodinger equation on compact symmetric spaces.