
We have found lemma(root) word of burrs : burr.


[bəː], (Noun)

- a whirring sound, such as a phone ringing tone or the sound of cogs turning

- a rough edge or ridge left on an object (especially of metal) by the action of a tool or machine

- a small rotary cutting tool with a shaped end, used chiefly in woodworking and dentistry

- a siliceous rock used for millstones

- a prickly seed case or flower head that clings to clothing and animal fur

- denoting wood containing knots or other growths which show a pattern of dense swirls in the grain when sawn, used for veneers and other decorative woodwork
(e.g: burr walnut)

- the coronet of a deer's antler

- a burr under someone's saddle

Middle English (in burr): probably of Scandinavian origin and related to Danish burre ‘burr, burdock’, Swedish kard-borre ‘burdock’

[bəː], (Verb)

- make a whirring sound

- form a rough edge on (metal)

- a burr under someone's saddle

Middle English (in burr): probably of Scandinavian origin and related to Danish burre ‘burr, burdock’, Swedish kard-borre ‘burdock’

definition by Oxford Dictionaries