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1. (Colours) Also called: bice blue a medium blue colour; azurite
2. (Colours) Also called: bice green a yellowish-green colour; malachite
[C14: from Old French bis dark grey, of uncertain origin]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Bice said SB 513 was authored this year to align the state's law with a U.S.
Zena kao razumno i duhovno bice u analiziranome je korpusu predstavljena najvecim brojem frazema koji se odnose na neku negativnu karakternu osobinu ili emociju, sto je u skladu s opcom tendencijom svojstvenom frazeologiji da ucestalo oslikava upravo negativne koncepte.
Bice has been hired as an affirmative action data analyst.
The SDT has been previously used to examine physical activity behaviors, providing a framework to explain these behaviors (Ball, Bice, & Parry, 2016; Ball, Bice, & Parry, 2014; Bice, Ball, McClaran, 2016; Kilpatrick, Hebert, &Bartholmew, 2005).
For a leisurely weekend with a great atmosphere, good food and an even better view, the Afternoon Tea package at Bice Sky Bar should definitely be on your must-try list.
BICE's capital position is aligned with its earning-generation capacity and a history of limited loan losses.
Adam Soltani, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations in Oklahoma, told the newspaper that Bice has been supportive of the Muslim community and he doesn't see the omission as an intentional slight.
ANSWER: During the fiduciary rule’s transition period, June 9, 2017, through July 1, 2019, the BICE does not specifically require that you adopt policies and procedures addressing these conflicts.
(76) There are two specific subsections of the BIC Exemption advisers can rely on: (1) BICE Lite and (2) BICE.
On April 4, the DOL issued a final rule that made the new definition of “fiduciary” fully applicable on June 9; however, it provided a transition period from June 9 until January 1, 2018, during which the only requirement was compliance with the impartial conduct standards of the best interest contract exemption (BICE) and other exemptions.
Charlotte, NC, August 27, 2017 --( Musician Bo Bice agreed last week to become producer of the long awaited documentary about The Ventures, the instrumental rock band that influenced Elton John to Blondie and Peter Frampton to George Harrison.