

another word for yokefellow
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
I noticed later that he always looked at people sidewise, as a work-horse does at its yokemate. Even when he sat opposite me in the kitchen, talking, he would turn his head a little toward the clock or the stove and look at me from the side, but with frankness and good nature.
He is indeed Lord and God, and he is also our Brother, Friend, Teacher and Yokemate who looks at each of us with a love that strengthens and supports us.
We see the same transformation in the Phaedrean black horse--when it at last gives in it is now able to heed the command of the charioteer and work in tandem with its yokemate:
On another occasion, some force, a breeze or breezlet perhaps, caused me to wake: there, in the moonlit window, sat my yokemate, applying a hand massage to her breast fruits and pressing, between her sirloins, the Ivory soap dish.
When the challenges of being an authentic disciple seem overwhelming, we might call to mind Jesus' promise to be our faithful and ever-present yokemate, ever bearing, ever sharing whatever struggles we face as we travel his way and find our home in his world.
They realized the presence of Jesus as their yokemate and were able to overcome seemingly impossible obstacles in the pursuit of their ideals.
Through it all, the grace of Jesus, our loving, constant yokemate, will never falter or fail.
He did this by being their yokemate. Usually, beasts of burden were paired in a double yoke so they could combine their efforts at plowing.
Our witness should reflect the gentleness and peaceable nature of the One who has chosen us to be his yokemate. Then, by grace, we too can ease the burdens of others, for we who follow Jesus' lead are called to be yokemates for others, sharing their sorrows, lessening their burdens, lending them our hope, our faith and our joy.
These unlikely yokemates share a disdain for London's sea of villas, semis, terraces, tower blocks, and prefabs, which for them are not just unsightly but repositories for an array of undesirable characteristics--smugness, Pooterism, blandness, mediocrity (the sort of traits Woodrow Wilson had in mind when he famously accused Warren G.
Social science and the arts thus make fit yokemates for pulling working humanity out of the mire of decadent ideology onto the highroad to progress, social science showing why and how to transform society and the arts calling forth the will to do it.