

(Sociology) slang Brit behaviour typical of aggressive surly youths
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Plans to streamline the way Wigan Council deals with yobbery and get rid of the current "inefficient" service have been unveiled.
A JaAGERBOMB blitz has slashed drunken yobbery at one of Scotland's biggest jet hubs.
Ordinary people have the right to pop to the shops without running a gauntlet of yobbery. If a dispersal order prevents such situations, then so be it.
Some people arrested for yobbery are being released on condition they stay away from the heart of Stirling.
This is a fantastic book with a never-ending supply of new words like "onomatophobia" and "yobbery" that will leave readers full of new words and ideas.
A hard, funny drama, the perfect antidote to Quentin Tarantino's tantrums and Guy Ritchie's yobbery. (Cert 18, 2007) ?????
Add that yobbery to its cronyism and free-spending for its favourite sons and daughters, and you might get the impression that the straight and hardworking men and women who comprise the majority of the force, deserve a less tainted representation.
The very idea of destroying beautiful and valuable artwork to make a point is crazy" Antiques expert David Harper on Prince William's reported plan to destroy ivory objects in Buckingham Palace "The atmosphere is very male, very testosterone-fuelled and in the worst cases, full of yobbery and public school twittishness" Commons Speaker John Bercow on rowdiness during Prime Minister's Questions
"The atmosphere is very male, very testosteronefuelled and in the worst cases full of yobbery and public school twittishness" - Commons Speaker John Bercow on rowdiness during Prime Minister's Questions.
She insisted that home and property owners should no longer be powerless in the face of yobbery.
Fewer police means more crime in neighbourhoods across the country where hard-working families are sick and tired of the vandalism and yobbery that pervades their daily lives.
ONCE again the "Kairdiff Kid" hits the nail on the head ("End the drunken yobbery by sticking a piano in every pub", December 7).