

1. informal A colloquial contraction of "yes sir," used as a more emphatic way of responding "yes." A: "Are you going to the party tonight?" B: "Yessiree. Probably going to head over there around 9 or so."
2. informal Used to emphasize what one just said, rather than being addressed to anyone in particular. Ouch, that is one nasty looking cut you've got there, yessiree! Yessiree, this new lawnmower will take care of that grass in half the time it used to take!

yessiree Bob

informal A colloquial contraction of "yes sir," with "Bob" added for lighthearted emphasis. Primarily heard in US.
1. Yes indeed. A: "Are you going to the party tonight?" B: "Yessiree Bob. Probably going to head over there around 9 or so."
2. Used to emphasize what one just said (rather than as a response to a question). That is one fine looking piece of steak you've cooked up there, yessiree Bob! Yessiree Bob, this new lawnmower will cut your entire lawn in half the time!
See also: bob, yessiree
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.
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