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(Clothing & Fashion) a long loose outer garment with wide sleeves, worn by Muslim men and women, esp in India
[C16: from Arabic]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈdʒʊb ə)

a long outer garment with long sleeves, worn by Muslim clergy.
[1540–50; < Arabic]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Estimated to date back more than 9,000 years, the engravings, found at Shuwaymis and Jubbah, show a man drawing his bow and arrow surrounded by thirteen dogs, each with unique coat markings, and two on leads.
Fahad Al-Gharbi, coach of the Jubbah youth football club - a third division club in the Saudi league, did not think twice while donating a kidney to save the life of Youssef Al-Shammari.
He said a piece of land was being acquired in Jubbah area, the central headquarters of Torghar, to establish a colony for such musician and singers.
Rock art sites occur in central Saudi Arabia at the Jubbah palaeo-lake in the Hail region, where there is excellent evidence for Middle Palaeolithic sites along lake shores.
On Wednesday, Iraqi forces and volunteers reportedly retook the key Jubbah region in Iraq's Western Anbar province, driving out the ISIL Takfiri militants which had previously held it.
The Saudi Kingdom's heritage was recognised for the "Rock Art work in the Hail Region," where the site includes two components situated in a desert landscape: Jebel Umm Sinman at Jubbah and the Jebal Al-Manjor and Raat at Shuwaymis," UNESCO indicated.
Burney said that at present, little information is available to us about the two hijacked vessels MV Jubbah XX and MV Iceberg 1, but it is reported that nine suspected Somali criminal pirates are on board MV Jubbah XX, hijacked on 16th of this month.
Photos of various archaeological and historic sites, including Jubbah Hail (Saudi Arabia), Jassassiya (Qatar), Hafite tombs (UAE), burials mount (Bahrain), Dilmunian City (Kuwait), and Salut site (Oman) have been displayed.
The attacks on industrial facilities, food production and water infrastructure investigated by the Mission are part of a broader pattern of destruction, which includes the destruction of the only cement packaging plant in Gaza (the Atta Abu Jubbah plant), the Abu Eida factories for ready-mix concrete, further chicken farms and the Al Wadia Group's foods and drinks factories.Aa
The 300,000 mA project is located 17 km to the north of Amman in Jubbah village in Jerash and will have 51 fully-serviced farm houses.
O-O-A-A* (web2--a bird), JOOBBA (jubbah), CO-OCCUR, JAPOOCCO (Peru), BOODDHA (buddha), COOEE*, PROOFFUL, GOOGG (csd--a heavy cloud), OOHHOTEP (cad = AAHHOTEP*), CHOOKKA (Hodge), WOOLLEN, SOOMME (sum), SOONNESS, SOOPP (soap), HOOQQA* (hookah), WOORRY (worry), POOSS (pose), STOOTT (stut), MOOZZELL (muzzle)