

not quite erect
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It superficially resembles the syntypes of Horistonotus spernendus (Erichson) from Colombia, but tarsomeres 4 have membranous ventral lobes, the antennae are much longer, reaching beyond the body midlength and more slender overall, dorsal setae longer and suberect, elytral striae more finely punctured, intervals shallowly convex and distinctly punctured, and pronotal and elytral bases lighter colored.
Chen et al., "Geo-dynamic condition evaluation method for rockburst in suberect and extremely thick coal seam," Journal of China University of Mining & Technology, vol.
1-3), length 1.5 to 1.9 mm; surface color uniform, individually varying from light to dark brown; dorsal surface covered with yellowish light brown, short, suberect bristles.
The ventral side of the postpetiole and fourth-seventh gastral segments are covered with relatively long (0.20-0.25 mm) golden suberect hairs.
(Onagraceae) Herb small, pink flowers Lycopersicon Tamatur, Tomatto Suberect herb esculentum Miller bearing the (Solanaceae) tomatoes Melia azedarach L.
Apex of oviscape rounded, with suberect setae on lateroapical sides (Fig.
2A); collar only slightly bulged; scutellum flattened, without outgrowths or rows of punctures laterally; pronotum and scutellum impunctate; posterior part of metepimeron roundish; metasternum without medial outgrowth; corium flat, without swellings; hemelytra without row of punctures on clavus and R + M vein, clothed with distinct suberect setae; R + M vein almost reaching apex of corium; inner margin of clavus slightly concave claval commissure longer than; inner margin of corium behind clavus straight; forecoxae removed from each other; foretibia distinctly shorter than head and pronotum combined; femora slightly widened apically, not curved; tarsal segment I 1.5 times as long as segment II and slightly longer than segment III (Fig.
Leaves 17 to 20 in number, coriaceous, densely rosulate, suberect, forming a funnelform rosette; sheaths ovate, 12-17 x 9.5-10 cm, inconspicuously lepidote, green toward the apex, strongly coriaceous; blades narrowly subtriangular-lanceolate, not narrowed at the base, 15-24 x 5-6 cm, green, inconspicously and sparsely white-lepidote mainly adaxially to glabrous, nerved, suberect with recurved apex, apex acuminate.
Rhizomes are suberect to procumbent or scandent, sometimes short-creeping, rigid, densely scaly.