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Helprin believes that he, in his op-ed, offended "a subcult amid those modern people who dress like circus clowns or adorn themselves like cannibals," presenting a spectacle akin to Queequeg having been "dropped on Santa Monica." He also avers that they have "a brain the size of a Gummy Bear" and, elsewhere, "of cocktail onions."
If all you wanted was to affirm your local sect, necessarily opposed to other sects in the next county or continent, or to fuel a sense of inflamed self-righteousness as a member of the one true religion or its only authentic subcult, why there it was, all the high-octane fuel your vehicle could possibly require.
and behavior is quite different within each subcult ure." More specifically, the most pivotal dimension of organizational culture is the ethical work climate (Victor & Cullen, 1988).