

[stɒp], (Verb)

- (of an event, action, or process) come to an end; cease to happen
(e.g: his laughter stopped as quickly as it had begun)

- cause (an action, process, or event) to come to an end
(e.g: this harassment has got to be stopped)

- block or close up (a hole or leak)
(e.g: he tried to stop the hole with the heel of his boot)

- be or behave in a particular way
(e.g: ‘Why was she so?’ ‘I don't know, you know how dem old people stop.’)

- pull out all the stops
- put a stop to
- stop at nothing
- stop one's ears
- stop payment
- stop someone's mouth
- stop the presses
- stop the show

Old English (for)stoppian ‘block up (an aperture)’, of West Germanic origin; related to German stopfen, from late Latin stuppare ‘to stuff’

[stɒp], (Noun)

- a cessation of movement or operation
(e.g: all business came to a stop)

- a set of organ pipes of a particular tone and range of pitch

- the effective diameter of a lens

- pull out all the stops
- put a stop to
- stop at nothing
- stop one's ears
- stop payment
- stop someone's mouth
- stop the presses
- stop the show

Old English (for)stoppian ‘block up (an aperture)’, of West Germanic origin; related to German stopfen, from late Latin stuppare ‘to stuff’

definition by Oxford Dictionaries