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adj. smooth·er, smooth·est
a. Having a surface free from irregularities, roughness, or projections; even. See Synonyms at level.
b. Free from waves or disturbances; calm: The lake is smooth today.
a. Free from hair, whiskers, or stubble: felt his smooth cheek after the close shave.
b. Having a short dense flat coat. Used of dogs.
a. Having a fine texture: a smooth fabric.
b. Having an even consistency: a smooth pudding.
c. Having an even or gentle motion or movement: a smooth ride.
4. Having no obstructions or difficulties: a smooth operation; a smooth trip.
5. Easy-going; serene: a smooth temperament.
6. Not sharp or bitter in taste: a smooth wine.
7. Delicately pleasing to the ear; not harsh or grating: a smooth voice.
8. Ingratiatingly polite and agreeable: known for his smooth remarks.
v. smoothed, smooth·ing, smoothes
1. To make (something) even, level, or unwrinkled: smoothed the fabric with an iron.
2. To rid of obstructions, hindrances, or difficulties: a real estate agent who smoothed the process of applying for a mortgage.
3. To soothe or tranquilize; make calm: The president tried to smooth over the hurt feelings of the disputing factions.
4. To cause to appear less harsh or severe than is the case: Don't try to smooth over their faults.
To become smooth.
1. The act of smoothing.
2. A smooth surface or part.

[Middle English smothe, from Old English smōth.]

smooth′er n.
smooth′ly adv.
smooth′ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.smoothed - made smooth by ironing
ironed - (of linens or clothes) smoothed with a hot iron
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
Over this great expanse there is no disturbance but it is thus at once gently smoothed away and assuaged, as, when a vase of water is jarred, the trembling circles seek the shore and all is smooth again.
Grewgious, with a sense of not having managed his opening point quite as neatly as he might have desired, smoothed his head from back to front as if he had just dived, and were pressing the water out--this smoothing action, however superfluous, was habitual with him--and took a pocket-book from his coat-pocket, and a stump of black-lead pencil from his waistcoat-pocket.
Grewgious smoothed his smooth head again, and then made another reference to his pocket-book; lining out 'well and happy,' as disposed of.
Grewgious pulled off his hat to smooth his head, and, having smoothed it, nodded it contentedly, and put his hat on again.
A significant improvement in the smoothed estimate is obtained for high signal-to-noise ratio and depends on signal model dynamics as well.
Run your finger gently over the interfacing at the sharp edge of the clay, flip the slab and repeat until the edges of the slab are rounded a smoothed, then hand build (photo 3).
In addition, investors believe that companies that report more volatile earnings pose greater risks than the companies that report smoothed earnings.