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The reproductive biology of a neotropical salamander, Bolitoglossa rostrate (Urodela: Plethodontidae).
Qilinyu rostrate was an armored bottom-dwelling fish that lived in the Silurian period, from about 444 million years ago to about 419 million years ago.
Valves lanceolate, elliptic or rhomboid, with broad round ends, acute or rostrate; internal septa present, each with a central oval chamber and several linear perforations; axial area narrow; raphe straight, striae transverse; chromatophores two.
Morph 2 forms had the same clavate-lanceolate shape as Morph 1 forms but more rounded, rostrate ends.
Shell rostrate, subtriangular, subequally biconvex almost as long as wide; hinge line very narrow, curved.