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n.1.A writer of prose.
2.One who talks or writes tediously.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Adriana Proser, an Asian arts specialist and senior curator at the Asia Society, said that the spectacular works in the exhibition - including exquisite regalia, jewellery, functional and ritualistic objects, ceremonial weapons and funerary masks - stemmed from collections in the Philippines and were supplemented with objects from the United States.
Capistrano-Baker, consulting curator at the Ayala Museum, and Adriana Proser, John H.
Organized by the Asia Society's Adriana Proser and, as consulting curator, Florina Capistrano-Baker of the Ayala Museum, to which most of the items on view belong, the show includes bracelets, bangles, necklaces, pendants, pectorals, collars, finger rings, dishes, bowls, a balance scale made entirely of gold and triangular pieces with rounded corners called "chastity covers" designed to be worn by women over their genitals.
Once edema was confirmed, mares were supplemented with 33mg (15mL) of altrenogest, according to the manufacturer's recommendation (22-44mg [day.sup.-1] [mare.sup.-1], p.o.; Progestal[R], ProSer, Argentina), every 24 hours.
Le but de ce choix consistait, entre autres, a justifier la conquete de la Tunisie, et du Maghreb en general, en la faisant prevaloir comme etant une reprise d'un territoire qui appartenait a l'empire romain duquel la France coloniale se proclamait heritiere (Boissier 1902 ; Proser 1924 ; Arlaud 1927).
"Israel cannot be expected to stand idle as the lives of its citizens are being put at risk by the Syrian government's reckless actions," Proser wrote in a note to the council.
Their UN ambassador, Ron Proser, made acrimonious comments about the UN's failure to condemn terror against Israelis, but avoided any comment on the children and other civilians killed by Israeli retaliatory airstrikes.
He also operated concessions at the World's Fair the summers of 1939 and '40 as a teenager under the flamboyant nightclub owner, Monte Proser.
Adriana Proser's Pilgrimage and Buddhist Art, published in conjunction with a spring 2010 exhibition at the Asia Society Museum in New York City, is such a book.