

simple; comprising one part
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



whole; complete.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
It was just like when I started any other challenge in my life, when I started music arrangement for example and this was even harder because I was playing in a totally different game that is even harder as instead of competing with music producers or arrangers in the middle east only I was competing with the whole world, and I spent a year not getting signed yet with each no I hear I knew that I had to work harder, work on my self, improve myself and study more until I finally sent some material that I did and I got signed to a label called Onefold in London.
According to Lemma 1, by choosing [a.sub.10] = [a.sub.11] = 1, [d.sub.10] = [d.sub.11] = 1, we can get the onefold Darboux transformation for the weakly coupled NLS equation as follows:
On the surface, bridging oxygen atoms are coordinated with two Ru atoms underneath, and a Ru atom on a onefold coordinatively unsaturated site is coordinated with five oxygen atoms [12].
The research on the combined effects of cognitive and physical exercises is rising; some research has reported that combining mental and physical exercises may be more effective than either alone and raised the point that cognitive decline is multicausal and onefold intervention will possibly remain insufficient [46, 47].
For pH optimization in this contribution, 200 [micro]L of Au NPs solution with onefold dilution, 35 [micro]L of doubly distilled water, 30 [micro]L of BR buffer with certain pH, and 15 [micro]L of 10 [micro]g x [mL.sup.-1] anti-FR[alpha] antibody were added.
It increased significantly compared with QAPVA/HACC/GA alkaline membrane (0.822 mmol/g) [29] and increased onefold when compared with Si[O.sub.2]/QAPVA (0.57 mmol/g) [10].
In BciPep, B-cell epitopes are categorized into three classes: immunodominant (2-3-fold enhancement of antipeptide antibody synthesis compared to reference protein or control, e.g., BSA or KLH), immunogenic (onefold enhancement of anti-peptide antibody synthesis compared to reference protein or control, e.g., BSA or KLH), and null-immunogenic (no difference observed when compared to reference protein or control, e.g., BSA or KLH).
AGE induced a onefold increase in the migratory rate of HBEC-5i (p < 0.0001) when assessed 16 hours posttreatment.
The jug's presencing is the pure, giving gathering of the onefold fourfold into a single time-space, a single stay.