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the act of feeding a machine, copier, printer, etc, with materials incorrectly
vb (tr) , -feeds, -feeding or -fed (-fɛd)
to feed (a machine, copier, printer, etc) with materials incorrectlyto feed (a person or animal) with incorrect food
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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At best it's not as fast as cocked and locked; it takes two hands; and there's the chance of a misfeed. Some very qualified people prefer to carry chamber-empty, and although it's not my choice I won't criticize.
In the event of a misfeed, the system stops the inserter's operation, flashes the red stack light and alerts the operator before the cutting mechanism can slice the pouch.
The new T/CR22 is accurate, 100-percent reliable (not a single misfeed or failure to eject in the firing of almost 500 rounds), and easy to tote afield.
Throughout that barrelburning day, and the entire trip, there was not one misfeed, stovepipe, or failure to fire from the eight Benellis we had on hand.
AaAaAeA AaAaAeAa Paper protection technology stops the scanner in the event misfeed
If the diameter is oversized, or the ovality (roundness) varies, filament can misfeed or even jam in the feeder.
I experienced not one misfeed and the more I used it, the easier it was to load.
This greatly reduced the risk of a misfeed. Reliability was also enhanced by improvements in shaping the magazines' "lips"--the angled wings at the top of the magazine which guide the next round of ammunition into the firing chamber.
This can cause all sorts of problems for a number of processes, products and production lines-from machines that misfeed, jam or fail, through to products that degrade prematurely.
Its ultrasonic misfeed detection ensures all documents are imaged correctly.
If you misfeed some paper - insert it at the wrong angle, or folded over - the Fellowes will either step on the turbo boost and power through it, or reverse gears to expel the misfed sheet.