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Related to kamacite: troilite, Octahedrites, Taenite


(Elements & Compounds) an alloy of iron and nickel, occurring in meteorites
[C19: from (obsolete) German Kamacit, from Greek kamax shaft, pole + -ite1]
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Those analyses have revealed traces of gold and iron, along with rarer minerals such as kamacite, schreibersite, taenite, and troilite.
Traces of rare minerals have also been found, including taenite, troilite, kamacite and schreibersite.
Instruments on the rover, including its Mossbauer spectrometer, show the rocks are stony, but also contain iron-bearing minerals present in meteorites found on Earth, such as kamacite and troilite.
As for (C), isn't that kamacite? And (D) surely must be camisade.
Occurrence: Associated minerals are: niningerite, enstatite, kamacite and troilite.
Iron meteorites will show a distinct Widmanstatten pattern, the interplay of the nickel-iron alloys kamacite and taenite, when a freshly polished interior surface is etched with dilute acid.