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v. frisked, frisk·ing, frisks
To search (a person) for something concealed, especially a weapon, by passing the hands quickly over clothes or through pockets.
To move about briskly and playfully; frolic.
1. The act of frisking someone.
2. An energetic, playful movement; a gambol.

[From Middle English frisk, lively, from Old French frisque, of Germanic origin.]

frisk′er n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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We will now present the Royal Band of Whiskered Friskers."
As he spoke the musicians, who had arranged themselves in a corner, struck up a dance melody while into the room pranced the Whiskered Friskers. They were eight pretty rabbits dressed only in gauzy purple skirts fastened around their waists with diamond bands.
After bowing before the King and Dorothy the Friskers began their pranks, and these were so comical that Dorothy laughed with real enjoyment.
"Yes, the Whiskered Friskers are really very clever," he replied.
"And since I may not have the Whiskers Friskers or my Bodyguard, you might ask Glinda to let me take away just two or three of these jugglers.
Then too, after a congressman's bullying of a security frisker, OTS personnel were able to splice and upload CCTV footages in social media.