References in classic literature ?
Bredin had entrenched himself behind the cash-desk, peering nervously at Paul through the cream, and Paul, pouring forth abuse in his native tongue, was brandishing a chocolate eclair. The situation looked good to the spectator.
Auparavant, Marcus Ochola, commandant de la region de la Rift Valley, avait indique que les touristes et leur guide visitaient les gorges du parc national de Hell's gate avant que cette crue eclair ne se produise.
Blonde, bold and brilliant, Jenny Eclair is as straighttalking as ever, her dry humour ripping through our conversation.
Pipe 10 eclairs on to the lined baking tray (they'll be around 12cm/5in long each).
The eclair is Choux pastry filled with chocolate mousse and caramel flavour sauce, topped with chocolate fondant, caramel flavour fudge icing and gold coloured sweet dusting.
And Cadbury Heroes were heavy on the Eclairs, with 12 in a 660g tub, but light on the Wispas, of which there were just nine.
Eclairs: Place dough onto parchment lined pans in log shapes, each about 5 inches long and approximately 1/2 to 3/4 inch in diameter.
"On June 30, 2017, Google will be ending support for the Andorid market app on Android 2.1 Eclair and older devices," Google said on the ( Android Developers Blog .
-- Eclair Naturals has launched an integrated campaign to draw attention to ingredients used in body care products.
At a new store in lower Manhattan, the chain has a table set up to display Eclair Naturals.
New desserts include Mango Cake, Vanilla Crepe Cake, Purple Yam Cookie, Chocolate Doughnut Eclair and Vanilla Doughnut Eclair.