
We have found lemma(root) word of echoes : echo.


[ˈɛkəʊ], (Noun)

- a sound or sounds caused by the reflection of sound waves from a surface back to the listener
(e.g: the walls threw back the echoes of his footsteps)

- a close parallel to an idea, feeling, or event
(e.g: his love for her found an echo in her own feelings)

- a person who slavishly repeats the words or opinions of another
(e.g: Clarendon, whom they reckoned the faithful echo of their master's intentions)

- used in names of newspapers
(e.g: the South Wales Echo)

- a code word representing the letter E, used in radio communication

- a play by a defender of a higher card in a suit followed by a lower one in a subsequent trick, used as a signal to request a further lead of that suit by their partner

- applaud someone to the echo

Middle English: from Old French or Latin, from Greek ēkhō, related to ēkhē ‘a sound’

[ˈɛkəʊ], (Verb)

- (of a sound) be repeated or reverberate after the original sound has stopped
(e.g: their footsteps echoed on the metal catwalks)

- (of an object or event) be reminiscent of or have shared characteristics with
(e.g: a blue suit that echoed the colour of her eyes)

- send a copy of (an input signal or character) back to its source or to a screen for display
(e.g: for security reasons, the password will not be echoed to the screen)

- (of a defender) play a higher card followed by a lower one in the same suit, as a signal to request one's partner to lead that suit

- applaud someone to the echo

Middle English: from Old French or Latin, from Greek ēkhō, related to ēkhē ‘a sound’

[ˈɛkəʊ], (Noun)

- a nymph deprived of speech by Hera in order to stop her chatter, and left able only to repeat what others had said



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