

(Minerals) another name for crystal
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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WEST OF SHETLAND Hurricane Energy spudded the 205/26b-14 Lincoln Crestal well on July 12, appraising the Lincoln discovery.
At Lincoln Crestal, also located to the west of the Shetlands, operations have now moved onto drill stem testing.
The intraoral examinaton revealed a bony enlargement extending from median mandible to the retromolar region, and inferior border of the mandible to the crestal marginal level.
Crestal gas injection continued in the Ahmadi reservoir, adding an incremental 100 bopd, flattening the reserve decline.
The difference was attributed to the remaining cement around the crown margins and below the tissue level; which was a contributing factor for bone loss at the crestal level.
Root perforations have been classified by Fuss and Trope as coronal, crestal, and apical perforation: Coronal perforation--coronal to the level of crestal bone and epithelial attachment with minimal damage to the supporting tissues and easy access, crestal perforation--at the level of the epithelial attachment into the crestal bone, and apical perforation--apical to the crestal bone and the epithelial attachment.
It refers to the placement of an abutment that is narrower than the implant diameter, resulting in preservation of the crestal bone (6), papilla, and peri-implant soft tissue (7).
Here the soil regolith and rock configuration is more complex with Cenozoic duricrusts (variably cemented palaeo-Shoalhaven River alluvium) forming resistant crestal landforms overlying deeply weathered, bedded and fractured metasedimentary rock.
Color photographs demonstrate each step in the lateral approach to drilling an osseous window on the lateral wall of the sinus and the crestal approach to drilling the residual crestal bone up to the sinus membrane, and the instruments required for the mechanical technique and the ultrasonic technique.