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v. a·wait·ed, a·wait·ing, a·waits
a. To wait for. See Synonyms at expect.
b. To be kept as ready for: a contract awaiting signature.
2. To be in store for: Death awaits us all.
To be in store: A busy day awaits.

[Middle English awaiten, from Old North French awaitier : a-, on (from Latin ad-; see ad-) + waitier, to watch; see wait.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
"She returned to the cave where she had been im-prisoned," he replied, "and is awaiting me there."
We had come almost to the cliff-edge where Juag should be awaiting us when we saw two men walking rapidly toward the same spot from another direction.
Can you tell me aught of him?" And while awaiting his answer, he replaced the kerchief in his shirt.
"Awaiting your audience--he and four of his men, likewise a lady of whose wooing and wedding I can tell you a pretty story at another time."
I had wondered if he had found his black-haired Princess and the slender son he had dreamed was with her in the royal gardens of Tardos Mors, awaiting his return.
"It seemed best that I quartered either by myself or among the other warriors, and I was awaiting an opportunity to ask your advice.
In the ballroom guests stood crowding at the entrance doors awaiting the Emperor.
There, on a table, surrounded at some distance by a large and luxurious divan, every species of tobacco known, -- from the yellow tobacco of Petersburg to the black of Sinai, and so on along the scale from Maryland and Porto-Rico, to Latakia, -- was exposed in pots of crackled earthenware of which the Dutch are so fond; beside them, in boxes of fragrant wood, were ranged, according to their size and quality, pueros, regalias, havanas, and manillas; and, in an open cabinet, a collection of German pipes, of chibouques, with their amber mouth-pieces ornamented with coral, and of narghiles, with their long tubes of morocco, awaiting the caprice or the sympathy of the smokers.
"Provided, sire, a monarch reigns grandly in the hearts of his subjects, the palace he inhabits matters little, since he is worshipped in a temple." With these words Athos left the cabinet, and found De Bragelonne, who was awaiting him anxiously.
The black was standing upon the ledge beside his boat, looking up the river, as though he were awaiting one whom he expected from that direction.
The men cuddled behind the small embank- ment and sat in easy attitudes awaiting their turn.
At this moment Raoul awoke, without a cloud on his face without weariness or lassitude; his eyes were fixed on those of Athos and perhaps he comprehended all that passed in the heart of the man who was awaiting his awakening as a lover awaits the awakening of his mistress, for his glance, in return, had all the tenderness of love.